If you’re considering deck coatings to waterproof your deck, patio, balcony, or walkway, you’re likely thinking about the color, texture, and how long the deck waterproofing will last. Sure, consider these important factors. However, don’t forget to think about how your product choice affects the environment. Opt for deck waterproofing that both protects your deck and is eco-friendly by emitting low levels of VOCs (volatile organic compounds).

VOCs Explained

All carbon-based chemicals are considered organic compounds because carbon is an organic element. So, the term volatile organic compounds (VOCs), refers to organic compounds that change easily from liquid to gas or vapor. These shape-shifters include oil and gas, which are carbon-based. VOCs act in an unstable manner. That doesn’t mean they explode; it means they refuse to stay in liquid form. As they move from liquid to vapor,  VOCs contribute as a major source of air pollution in the United States.

In addition to deck waterproofing coatings, you can find VOCs in gasoline, paints, stains, paint thinners, cleaning supplies, air fresheners, wood preservatives, hobby supplies, and even dry-cleaning solutions. When VOCs mix with nitrogen oxide at ground level, they contribute to the formation of ozone. This combination leads to the haze often seen over Los Angeles or Shanghai—commonly referred to as “smog.”


deck waterproofing after Desert Crete is applied to look like flagstones

Desert Crete The Eco-Friendly Deck Waterproofing

Desert Crete offers an incredible, low-environmental impact option in deck coatings.

Locally Made

Desert Crete comes from the Hill Brothers Chemical Company in Orange, California. Because the product is made locally, transportation impacts on the environment remain low. Desert Crete doesn’t spend days on a ship crossing the Pacific Ocean from China.  Even if the deck coating system components travel by diesel truck, the impact on the environment is less.

Buy local and feel good about your choice.



Unlike other deck coatings, Desert Crete is water-based. This chemical composition keeps the VOCs low. It also makes clean-up a breeze. You only need soap and water. No harmful chemical cleansers emitting large volumes of VOCs required for clean-up!

Desert Crete goes down over existing coatings, so no harsh cleaning or stripping agents are involved in the prep. As a bonus, water-based products like Desert Crete dry quickly. Each layer of the system welcomes foot-traffic by the end of the day.

green lounge chairs on a beige pool deck coated with Orange County deck waterproofingcoatings

Eco Benefits of Desert Crete

Using low VOC, eco-friendly deck coatings benefits everyone:

– Protects your lungs by avoiding exposure to harmful VOCs during application.

– Reduces smog, improving the air quality in your neighborhood.

– Supports manufacturers in producing more eco-friendly products, as they tend to make what sells.


If you’d like to learn more about eco-friendly deck waterproofing, talk to the deck coating experts at Crank Waterproofing. For over 70 years, Crank Waterproofing has protected the decks, lungs, and Orange County environment with effective deck coatings kind to the environment. Call (949) 374-2628 and get a free quote.