men rolling flat roof coatings to building by the ocean

As summer turns to fall, homeowners and property managers in Orange County find themselves in flat roof coating season. Fall provides the perfect time of year to apply roof coatings to flat roofs. Here are a few reasons why.

Awesome Weather Conditions

Autumn in Orange County offers favorable weather conditions for applying roof coatings in Orange County.  We experience that gap between a Mediterranean climate characterized by hot, dry summers and our mild, wetter winters. Autumn bridges the gap perfectly.

During summer, scorching temperatures allow roof coatings to dry quickly. This may cause an uneven application and reduced effectiveness. But some winters bring damp conditions.  That keeps the roof coating from adhering properly.

Fall gives us that Goldilocks zone – not too hot, not too cool. So, roof coatings cure and bond to the roof surface as designed.

Extended Dry Spells

Not only do we experience a decrease in temperature, but we also enjoy stable, dry air.

Since roof coatings need a dry surface to adhere correctly, Fall extended dry spells reduce the risk of moisture-related issues.

Schedule your flat roof coating application with Crank Deck in the fall and take advantage of the extended dry period. Rest easy knowing your coating can bond securely to the roof’s surface.

orange umbrellas and blue sky with white clouds

Protection Against Winter Rains

While Orange County avoids the heavy rainfall in other areas, winter brings more precipitation. Applying flat roof coatings now creates a protective shield against the upcoming rains. A flat roof coating creates a seamless, waterproof barrier that keeps moisture out. That helps prevent leaks, mold growth, and structural damage.

By proactively applying roof coatings in the fall, you ensure that your flat roof is prepared to withstand the occasional downpours that can occur during the winter months. This preventative measure can save you from costly repairs and property damage down the line.

Shoulder Season Energy Efficiency

The moderate temperatures of autumn give you a chance to up your energy efficiency. Flat roofs can absorb and radiate heat, which drives up cooling costs. By applying a reflective flat roof coating during the fall, you can significantly reduce heat absorption, keeping your building cooler and lowering your energy bills this fall.

Then, next summer your flat roof can reflect heat effectively, reducing the strain on your HVAC system and saving you money.

Flat Roof Coating and Repair Pros

Trust Crank Waterproofing for expert application of your next flat roof coating.  Crank performs inspections, repairs roofs, and installs new flat roofs too.

Get a free estimate and find out why Orange County loves Crank Waterproofing for all things roof and deck.