If you want to keep your Orange County composition roof in peak condition, you will need to do a little roof repair from time to time.  Composition roofs offer an ideal option for homeowners and building managers who want to control cooling costs during Orange County summers.  When repairs to your asphalt composition shingles become inescapable, Crank Waterproofing has your back and your roof!

Composite versus Asphalt

Composite shingles and asphalt shingles look similar but are made of different materials. Asphalt shingles start as fiberglass or paper mats that are then covered in a layer of tar and granules to create asphalt shingles. Composite shingles start as bits of slate, laminate, wood, recycled materials, synthetic polymer, and recycled materials that are then combined and formed into a shingle shape.

composition roof uses shingles to keep water running off and not inside

Composition Roof Life Expectancy

Which lasts longer, composition shingles or asphalt shingles? Straight asphalt roofing shingles last between 20 and 30 years and composite roof shingles offer a 40-to-50-year lifespan. Of course, regular maintenance, proper attic ventilation, and appropriate roof installation all factor into the life you can expect to get from your roof.

Roof Inspections

A regular inspection of your composition roof picks up problems while they are still small. This prevents expensive repairs to the interior from ongoing roof leaks.  Crank Waterproofing performs regular roof inspections in all areas of Orange County.

A professional roof inspection is like a physical exam for your roof. Composition roofing experts assess the condition of your roof, identify potential problem areas, and recommend repairs if needed.

grey composition roof in Orange County

Repairing Composition Roofs

Crank Waterproofing ensures your roof is watertight and repairs are done right.

We repair flashings, loose and missing shingles, dry rot, and even termite damage. Wind often loosens shingles, and the homeowner is unaware of the problem until they spot moisture damage on the interior of the house.  Over time, metal flashing corrodes and allows moisture to penetrate the roof. Your roof leak might not be bad shingles, it might be a problem with flashing.

Composition shingles curl and crack over time, in addition to going MIA.

Crank Waterproofing assesses the extent of the damage and provides estimates before the work is done. Sealing and waterproofing repaired areas ensure your roof keeps the elements out.

Call (949) 374-2628 or contact us online to schedule an appointment.